Monday, August 16, 2010

Date Night...

A couple of days ago Zack and I were able to GO ON A DATE! It was such a nice break from job-hunting, cataloging, and moving in. We went to the County Fair! How cute is that! There were rides, caramel apples, Italian Sausages, games, AND dancing.

Aren't we cute?

Sorry this is crooked...

I painted my toes for the occasion! Aren't they fun!?

I had to just throw this one in. I'm eating a home grown PEACH! And man it was yummmy. There are Peach trees, blueberry bushes, and apple trees in Nana D's front yard. I can't wait for those apples to get big enough to eat!


  1. FUN FUN LOVE!!! :D Glad you two are able to get a good rest from a married life haha :P Love ya and hope you're doing well!!!

  2. I made it!!! It was SOOOO nice to chat with you on the phone!! Happy to connect with your blog. Fun to see the pictures!! Can't wait to meet Zack in December!!

  3. haha YAY!!! You did it!!! :) Thank you so much, it was great talking to you too. Can't wait to see you!

    Sydnee, I love you too. Hope you and your family are doing good :)

  4. i went on a date with my boy too and we went to the county fair here! :D hahaha
