Well, I am not really good at writing on blogs or journals or anything for that matter, but hopefully this will become a daily...weekly thing that I do. The purpose of this blog is to document mine and my husband's new life together. All the ups and downs and turns. It has only been about 3 months since I met Zachary Spencer LeFoll, but I feel like I have known him a lifetime. We met in the hallway of the Rick's building in one of the most bizarre ways. I had just finished my Psychology class and was trying to shake off the stalker that had sat next to me. He followed me out of the classroom and into the hallway, asking a million questions a minute. I was only able to answer ONE of those questions, which happened to be, "Where are you from?" Exasperated, I told him that I had just moved to Rexburg from Norway... At that moment a blonde haired, blue-eyed boy turned around in shock. Looking me up and down he said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to listen in on your conversation, but did you just say that you were from Norway? I served my mission there!" ...
That was it. We had something in common...I followed him out of the building, making sure I kept my distance from Mr. Creeper. Eventually he left us alone and I was able to focus on Zack. We talked about people we knew and places we had been, and finally (after only 5 minutes) he asked for my number. Smooth huh? We set a date for that Friday.
The next day, Thursday, I received a text during math class from Zack. The text said, "I don't know why, but I am just way excited to go on this date with you. I would love to see you earlier if you're available? Nothing fancy, just a walk?" So, that night we went on a walk up around the temple and out by the stadium. We talked about everything; likes, dislikes, people, places, ect. I could immediately tell that I was going to like this boy. He liked to do almost everything I did! The real kicker though was the fact that he enjoyed cooking just about as much as I did... AND was going into a field that didn't involve "art" or "business." He was smart, and I liked that.
We were together by that Saturday and have been pretty much inseparable since. Yes, we got married fast, but we knew it was the right decision. I love waking up every morning and seeing my best friend. I'm excited to start my life with him and can't wait to see what life has in store for us.
Our plan right now is to finish out this semester at BYUI. We will then be traveling to Massachusetts, where we will live with his Grandma, until coming back to Rexburg in January. The plan is to work and scour around the east coast (since I've never been there) eating seafood, going to baseball games, museums, Broadway, Apple orchards, and a lot more! I'll be sure to document our adventures and try my very hardest to keep this up to date. Until next time!
Haha I know what you mean by keeping up to date on the blogs >.< I've been so horrible with mine that I'm really going to try this time...again :P REALLY cute story though love! I can tell that you 2 are positively in love and I wish you guys the very best! Miss ya Becks!