Thursday, July 22, 2010

2 Days and Counting!

Finally only 2 days left. I didn't think it would be so bad, but this last week has been absolute hell. Just a few of my highlights:

1. My van died

2. I almost missed a final (luckily, I was able to take it and ended up with a B)

3. I have gotten all of 13 hours of restless sleep

4. I'm getting sick

5. I lost my keys

...Just for balance, I'll add 5 good things that have happened to me this week...

1. My hair is now semi-blonde and flaunting an A-line cut and I LOVE it (pictures will be posted soon!)

2. My toes are painted a darling strawberry pink (with orange sparkles I might add)

3. The weather has been gorgeous

4. Zack still loves me (for those of you who have seen how I get when I'm stressed...NOT PRETTY! Not pretty at all!)

5. All my classes are done and over!

I am just so ready to get out of Rexburg. Yes, granted I might end up on the side of the road in the middle of Montana with an overheated engine, but who cares! Just thought I would update. Until next time!

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