Saturday, July 24, 2010


There was a change of plans...and 6 hours on a bus, and 10 hours in a car later, I am at the Taylor's house in Colorado Springs!!! I AM HOME! Although the drive was long and hot, it was so worth it. Especially when the smell of rain and pine tree's hit me through the car window. I haven't smelled that in years! ... OK, I'm just babbling now, but it was just good!

I will be staying here in the Springs for the next four days. Then I'll fly to Massachusetts and FINALLY get to see my husband again. I haven't seen him in 24 hours and let me tell you, that is WAY TOO LONG!I haven't been away from him for this long before and it is not fun... OK, OK, I'll stop being mushy...

I'll be sure to get pictures of my time here. OH! I forgot to mention that for the first time in YEARS my old high school group is back together. Me, Beth, Tori, and Tay! I'm excited. Until next time!


  1. Oh, I LOVE THIS~! I am excited to get to know you better Becka! Zack is a really good guy. Be nice to him. :)
    You are welcome to check out my blog if you want.

  2. Thanks Annie, you're not so bad yourself! Becka, I love that you keep this updated so I can read in detail about what's going on! Miss you!!! ~Zack
