Saturday, January 8, 2011

Finding Beauty in Chaos...

Wow, it has been a pretty hectic few days. There have been a lot of stressful things going on in the LeFoll house. Mostly with the management of Stonebrook apartments. All I'm really going to say is, I hope that we get things figured out soon because my nerves ... and my temper can't take much more. Needless to say, I've been on edge for the past few days. However, a crisp morning walk opened my eyes to some of the beauties around me. You could say that I "stopped and smelled the roses." One of the best things about living in the place we are now, is that when you walk out the door you can see the Rexburg, Idaho Temple. It's beautiful and today seeing it surrounded by all of the gorgeous snow, I was grateful to have one of God's temple's so close to my home.

The other thing I noticed this morning was how beauiful the trees are. They are stripped of all greenery, but the twisting branches and the deep brown of the wood have their own beauty.

Just noticing these small things have helped me to calm down and realize that everything is in God's hands. Everything happens in God's time and all we can do is have faith. No matter how cold the weather gets, there is always beauty around us.

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